Wednesday, 11 April 2012

BB Cream Haul

Ah, the BB cream... It's the stuff legends are made of! 

If you haven't heard of it, you must either be living under a rock or in the middle of the Sahara desert coz the BB cream craze has already hit Europe and USA. As for Asia? The sheer amount of BB cream brands available in Asia is enough to make you salivate... Ahem.

 It's slowly beginning to creep into the SA beauty scene, but quite frankly, I can't wait that long for original Korean BB Cream brands.

So, I took the plunge, went online & bought mini, trial sizes of two of the most well known BB creams out there - Skin79 Hot Pink Label Super Beblesh Balm & Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream No. 23. I was sooo happy when my package arrived from South Korea!! Here's a sneak peek:

   I even held them & gazed happily at my new BB creams... and made a special place for them in my vanity case. I was that excited. 

Coming up...

I'll be reviewing these products as well as giving you the scoop on what BB creams are all about... Don't miss out!

♥ Miss. Q ♥

Have you tried BB Creams yet? :)


  1. I haven't tried any BB creams yet, I've hear mixed reviews on most so I guess I'm still looking to read about that perfect one :) I might give it ago in the summer though, foundation looks too much in the summer I think :) xx P.s. I'm here from the blog hop by the way & following you now!

  2. @ Sheri

    Thanks for following! :)

    Yes, BB creams are definitely for you if you want light coverage. The brands from my haul are pretty popular - you can check out my review coming soon! :)


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