Wednesday, 6 June 2012

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday ~ #1

I'm no professional photographer, but I do like clicking pics of random things - shoes, clothes, snails (yes, I really did), the sky, food, my kittens, basically anything that catches my eye or I'm currently loving. Hah, I bet you're thinking Duh, get Instagram! but I prefer my good 'ol camera.

And so, I shall begin my weekly WORDLESS WEDNESDAY posts!! 

'What is it that!?', I hear you ask. Well, in a nutshell, every Wednesday, Bloggers across the blogsphere post pictures with no words or explanations- the picture speaks for itself! 

Ok, so my post isn't so WORDLESS, but I have to do an into, right? Ok, ok! Enough words. Here's my first WORDLESS WEDNESDAY pic... :)


1 comment:

What's on your mind? Don't be shy! :)